Monday, May 4, 2009

Have You ever Taken up a Challenge??

Have you ever taken up a challenge??

I have a few times and at times I have been successful and at other times I have failed miserably. Accepting failure and getting up to accept the challenge again shows character. So that's what I'm going to do now.

We Are Slimming is about to start another challenge. The 12 Week Winter Warm Up Challenge begins tomorrow. I have won this challenge once before. I worked out everyday and I stuck to my eating plan strictly and I lost a hell of a lot of weight. Being accountable and having somewhere to report can be a great help.

The last couple of times I have taken this on I have to admit I have let life get in the way and I stopped being accountable after the first week. Not good. I'm hoping the fact that I am home bored for at least another month means that I am going to get into the habit of posting and updating etc so that when I go back to work I keep it up!

Please come join us if you have a goal you are reaching for. This challenge is completely free and you have nothing to lose except kilograms :) You can start any day this week. It doesn't have to be tomorrow.

I took my starting photos, measurments etc tonight. Oh Boy. I have never been so big before and it's enough to make anyone want to cry. The challenge only requires I take a waist measurement but habit says I take multipoint measurements. I think it also helps show where I am losing from etc.

I hate these photos so hopefully being ballsy enough to post them on my blog helps me stick to the right path. I can tell that when I do get to my goal weight though I'll be upset for wearing shorts so you can't really see the full hideousness of my legs. Cause there's nothing like a comparison photo haha. Unfortunately I didn't bring any bathers or anything to Melbourne with me. :(



Height:~ 168cm
Weight:~ 125.2kg

Neck:~ 38cm
houlders:~ 108cm
Chest:~ 123cm
Left Arm:~ 42cm

Right Arm:~ 39cm
Small of Waist:~ 110.5kg

Naval:~ 131cm
Muffin Top:~ 149cm

Hips:~ 146cm
Left Thigh:~ 72cm

Right Thigh:~ 73cm
Left Calf:~ 50cm

Right Calf:~ 48cm


By July 27th I'm going to
♥ Have done all necessary physiotherapy inc the exercises set
♥ Have regularly updated my blog (1 x a week min)
♥ Regularly updated WAS
♥ Followed all doctors orders
♥ Have lost at least 10kg
♥ Be down at least 2 dress sizes
♥ Exercised at least 5 x a week for a minimum half hour as a habit
♥ Limit my junk food habits
♥ Establish a sensible sleeping pattern
♥ Become more aware of my eating
♥ Eat at the table not in front of the TV or at my desk
♥ Have my engagement party planned and organized
♥ Wear a dress to my engagement party


♥ I am going to stick to my shakes
♥ I am going to move a little more everyday
♥ I am going to cook up a big pot of Vegetable soup
♥ I am going to set my alarm to start getting up earlier
♥ I am going to be under 122kg (thinking I'm holding onto a lot of water weight)

BTW - for those following along, Yes I know this weight is up on last week. But I have had every treat imaginable this week knowing I'm getting 100% serious now. I expect it's mostly water but there has to be some damage in there as well. It'll come off.


Miss Coops said...

Wow you go girl! Im doing the same challenge to x

Monnie said...

I wasnt going to do this challenge at all....just didnt want to do it by myself...but as you are doing it i will be doing it along with you to give you support...well both of us really

Still take some leg shots...just do it it undies and bra...just for yourself and if you wish to reveal them at a later date thats up to you

you can do this darl..i belive in us :)