Start Weight:~ 126.9 kgs
Goal Weight:~ 64 kgs
Current Weight:~ 99.0 kgs
Loss This Week:~ 0.8 kgs
Weight Lost:~ 27.9 kgs
% Weight Lost:~ 22%
Weight to Goal:~ 35.0 kgs
Feb 1st Weight Loss Goal:~ 98.2 kgs
Weight to Goal:~ 0.8 kgs
Height:~ 168 cms
Start Weight:~ 126.9 kgs
Goal Weight:~ 64 kgs
Current Weight:~ 100.3 kgs
Loss This Week:~ 1.3 kgs
Weight Lost:~ 26.6 kgs
% Weight Lost:~ 21%
Weight to Goal:~ 36.3 kgs
Feb 1st Weight Loss Goal:~ 98.2 kgs
Weight to Goal:~ 2.1 kgs
It has come to my attention that the majority of people joining the gym have a birthday the same month. Freaky coincidence or do we really and subconsciously start to think about our lives, getting older and looking after ourselves better around our birthdays?
I know my last birthday was a bit scary. I turned 29 just over a week ago. It’s so close to 30! It’s not really turning 30 that has me scared so much. (I think) It’s all the things I think I should have accomplished in my life before now.
Things like fit and healthy, a successful career, marriage, home and children.
You guys know exactly where I am headed with fit and healthy and I am happy to say at least I am pointed in the right direction. Calories in vs Calories out. Just sensible eating for someone who hasn’t been doing any activity. I have spoken with Loz about getting back into our training programs and we are setting ourselves up for next week. Need to write some programs.
My career is in a bit of a mess right now. I have moved from seconded role to seconded role. Now the role I am in is being made permanent with a big pay rise. I should be partying right? Except for the fact that it has been advertised and I have to apply for it.
I freaked out about that part cause I thought that might mean I don’t get it and that I just go back to a club. BUT then I found out if I don’t get the job and I don’t get another job in the meantime I will not have a job at all anymore.
Finding out stuff like this on Christmas Eve is a big downer! I have to admit I’m trying to forget about it and stick my head in the sand like it will all just disappear. That needs to stop.
Marriage, well at least we know it WILL happen. I’m in the throws of planning at the moment. I have to say people like Miss Nicky absolutely amaze me with how quickly and perfectly they can put themselves together. It’s like they have their wedding perfectly planned beforehand. Me I have too many maybes and not enough definites. I always panic that I’ll make a decision and then something better will come along. Still I will be 30 when we get married. What happened to being 21 married with 3 kids? 21 was so long ago.
FH does own his own home but shares ownership with his mother so I feel that it is their house and not my own. It also means when it comes to things like wanting to clear the creepy doll collection out of the sideboard or removing the cluttering knick knacks I can only want.
I am far from a perfect housewife and I would adore to be a Bree Van Der Kamp domestic goddess but while I go through fazes it never sticks.
One day I hope we can buy her out or get our own home but FH does not want to sell. I know exactly where he is coming from and a big part of me feels exactly the same. Only thing is I haven’t yet won lotto to pay her out yet either.
And the children thing – cannot happen until we are married.
What about you? How do you feel with where you are in life? Do you want more?
In order to reach my weight loss goal this year I need to follow this plan or better every month.
I’m hoping that by breaking it down I have given myself the best way to track my progress, remind me that it doesn’t happen overnight and ensure I reach for the stars.
JANUARY | START | 101.4 kg | - |
FEBRUARY | 98.2kg | | |
MARCH | 95 kg | | |
APRIL | 91.8 kg | | |
MAY | 88.6 kg | | |
JUNE | 85.4 kg | | |
JULY | 82.2 kg | | |
AUGUST | 79 kg | | |
SEPTEMBER | 75.8 kg | | |
OCTOBER | 72.6 kg | | |
NOVEMBER | 69.4 kg | | |
DECEMBER | 66.2 kg | | |
NEW YEAR 2011 | 64 kg | | |
New Year 2010
Weight Loss - 37.4kg
Career Progression
Spend more time with family and friends
Enjoy life more
Spend more time with Storm
Be more organised and de-cluttered
I need to turn these into SMART goals I may be back later with that or I might keep them to myself. We’ll see.
New Year 2010 Weights and Measures
AREA | 2009 | 2010 | DIFFERENCE |
WEIGHT | 126.9kg | 101.4kg | 25.5kg |
NECK | 38cm | 34.5cm | 3.5cm |
SHOULDERS | 108cm | 101.5cm | 6.5cm |
CHEST | 123cm | 105.5cm | 17.5cm |
LEFT ARM | 42cm | 36.5cm | 5.5cm |
RIGHT ARM | 39cm | 35.5cm | 3.5cm |
SMALL OF WAIST | 110.5cm | 93cm | 17.5cm |
NAVAL | 131cm | 112.5cm | 18.5cm |
MUFFIN TOP | 149cm | 125cm | 24cm |
HIPS | 146cm | 125cm | 21cm |
LEFT THIGH | 72cm | 69cm | 3cm |
RIGHT THIGH | 73cm | 72cm | 1cm |
LEFT CALF | 50cm | 44cm | 6cm |
RIGHT CALF | 48cm | 44.5cm | 3.5cm |
TOTALS | 1129.5cm | 998.5cm | 131cm |
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