Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not A Lot to Blog About

It's funny you know. The one time in the last 2 years that I have had plenty of time to blog and go on about whats been happening in my life and keeping everyone up to date also happens to be the time that my life is led from a chair in my loungeroom so there generally isn't all that much to blog about.

This week I have spent alot of time in Bloglines catching up with everyone else's lives and finding out what's going on around the grounds. Geez there was months and months worth of blogs to catch up on there.

We borrowed a friends BRAND NEW wheelchair to help me get around a bit further and the poor thing is a mess! One of the wheels is just plain stuffed. They put the centre bolt in backwards, the spokes clink on the nuts and it feels like the brakes are on so that's going back where it came from for a swap over.

I'm very happy that the local shopping centre allows loan of their electric scooter so I have been out on a few short shopping expeditions. I had my nails rebalanced and organised a couple of things for myself. I am still struggling badly with the crutches. Making it from couch to toilet is a workout and a half and leaves me breathless.

I was really frustrated with it all yesterday because I was thinking back to when this all began for me and I was at the height of my fitness levels. 82kg, learning to run and lifting quite heavy weights. Then I hurt my ankles for the final time, this time they weren't going to heal.

IF I'd have had surgery straight away instead of going through more than 6 months of physio and all the mess and fuss before the MRI which showed I needed surgery. If' I'd paid for the surgery or never let my insurance lapse. Life would be so much easier for me now.

Not only would I be much fitter, both in cardio fitness and strength but I would also be 45kg lighter than I am now. And I can only guess that trying to lift 45kgs less every step (crutch, hop, whatever) would be alot easier too.

MEH! Ah well all the what if's in our life cannot control us.

I really have to start getting this weight off when this cast comes off and I can move again properly too. After all there's a white wedding dress in my future and white is unforgiving!

Today I went out to the Mornington Bridal Expo. I'm not getting married down here but I went to check it out for some ideas and happily I came away with one. Actually I think it was only one. But still it's just what I was looking for and had written out something similar in my little notes section on my phone in the middle of the night a coule of nights ago so I'm happy.

I also think my original ideas for colors etc are tearing apart and changing quite dramatically. Our wedding date is still unset because we will be paying for this ourselves and I have no idea how to set a budget and figure out how long it's going to take us to get that money together.

Although my ING account has just had it's first monthly deposit titled "wedding savings" which made my heart and my tummy flutter with butterflies.

The only thing I am sure I want is the location for the wedding, BUT I may find a stumbling block in actually having it there. (It's a national park with paid entry at the gate) It's a stumbling block I'm fairly determined to get around though. I people just have to pay the $11 per car to attend I'm sure they'll get over it and that gets me around one problem.

Storm is so happy to be down here. She spends all day playing with Trigger. They love to play tug and Trigger has a variety of ropes, an old bed and even balls they play tug with. They seem to pat each other all the time. Storm was a bit scared at Christmas time when we came down because in 6 short months Trigger had grown from baby puppy size to bigger than her. Bit of a shock! But Storm is still the boss. Trigger could easily outdo her but Storm barks and Trigger is a sook so she backs off. Trigger is scared of everything, and apart from when she first see's you and takes flying leaps at you (50kg at a full run and jump hurts you know) she's gentle as anything, just a big boofhead.

I have thought of a couple more things to add to my 101 list. (See link in side bar) And I think it's time to update the list of blogs I read. If I haven't commented on your blog or if you want me to drop by your blog make sure to leave me a comment.

I hope you are all doing well. Any tips for getting comfortable with a cast on (especially when it comes to sleeping right now) would be greatfully appreciated in my comments box. Hell just leave me a comment if you are reading along!


Chris H said...

For someone who said she didn't have a lot to blog about... you did quite well!
Hope you find nothing to blog about again soon!

Margaret said...

I am leaving a comment!!! LOL

I think that this time of your life is all about getting rebalanced. I know we all let things lapse and the repercussions are a pain in the ankle, but we learn from them and we move on.

In regards to the wedding, I don't think people will have a problem paying the $11 entry fee. Just make sure that there is a small note in with the wedding invites so people aren't caught unawares and then there is no issue :)

You know, sometimes, the worst times in our lives are those that bring out the best in us and let us see the true beauty and potential that there is out there. And within us to..

Happy blogging, and wedding planning, and remember that each crutch bound step to the toilet is making you a stronger and more powerful woman *hugs*

Miss Coops said...

Yay your back! Hope your leg isn't to sore, how long has it been since the op?

Ali said...

Glad to see you've been up and about, those ankle ops sure knock you around.. but you'll be 100% soon enough.
the joys of wheelchairs, like uncontrolable shopping trolleys...

Atleast it's giving you a chance to sit down and relax, and catch up on things

Jules said...

Woulda shoulda coulda!!

I have these thoughts every day but there really is no point. You followed the path that was your destiny and now you are living your chosen path. It all makes sense in the end --- well here's hoping anyway. You will suceed, you are that sort of person.

Em said...

I hope that you are back on your feet in no time :)
Em :)

Nola said...

I'm a big believer in fate and this "downtime" is one of those occassions where you can use it to your advantage and take the time to "plot and plan" everything from your wedding to your new exercise regime or whatever:) Glad you are feeling OK.
No advice for sleeping....just keep a knitting needle handy for scratching though!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadey, Missed your last couple of posts (caught the engagement on facebook though :0)

Hope your poor ankle is healing a bit quicker!!! Good luck with the wedding planning!