Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Resolutions and Goals

* I will become PN Compliant and make the 10 habits HABITS

* I will re develop a healthy water drinking habit ensuring that no less than 2 litres of pure filtered water is drunk in any one day

* I will change my eating habits to more positive ones involving plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, less starchy carbohydrates and more quality lean protein

* I will be pre preparing my food and packing it to take with me when I leave the house as a habit

* I will get more organised at home and at work

* I will have established a routine which includes training for 5 hours every week

* I will have slowly instilled some of my habits into Jason and Jean to help them make more positive changes in their lives

* I will prioritise my sleep (8hrs min - 9 perfect world)

* I will get back to church at least twice a month

* I will take Storm to park at least 4 x a week

* I will eat at the table, not at my desk, not while doing other things, not watching the TV

* I will have started de cluttering my life from the things that are excess to our needs

1 comment:

Kathy Shell said...

I think your resolutions, goals and rewards section is fantastic and so motivating. Thinking of you and willing you all the best. I know you can achieve any goal you set yourself.

Cheers, Kathy