Or maybe the question should be can I continue to construct decent blog entries?
OK so I am going through a bad point in my life at the moment and this is a lot of the reason I don't blog. I like being seen as the bubbly happy Jadey. This depressed state I'm in really sucks. Add to this a lack of time and the fact that things seem to be the same all the time and I don't feel I have much to blog about.
But on the weekend I was so priveledged to catch up with some of the bloggers for lunch and a chat. I almost didn't go becauseI woke up feeling really crook with a hacking type cough and I didn't want to make Beckie sick this far into her pregnancy. But she assured me her immunity was pretty high at the moment and everyone around her was sick so I should come anyway.
I am so glad she did because after I started moving the cough went away and hasn't returned since.
I had an awesome time with the girls just chatting away. They all looked brilliant and are such happy alive and vibrant people.
I met new bloggers (Hi Cat!) Lurkers (G'day Suzie) and Old Bloggers (Beck, Ash, Kate, Linda, Chris H, Nannette, Jac, CKK and geez I hope I haven't forgotten anyone here)
The cupcakes I picked up at the market topped off my day brilliantly especially because when I went in search of Koko Black later I discovered they are closed for renovations. So the cupcakes hit the sweettooth. I squished them a bit in the car before I got them home though otherwise I would have taken some photos cause they were so cute!
I ended up in Bed by 10pm Sunday night.
I had a migraine Monday which kept me away from work and today was my RDO so it allowed me some recovery time.
Work is still the same even though the old boss is gone. I believe I am being held back from a promotion because of my size. I have applied for some positions in NSW also so fingers crossed I will get one of those so I can move on with my life. I was fast tracking when I first arrived in this company and now everything has stalled and everyone else has overtaken me because I have been held back.
Everytime a promotion comes up a new excuse does too.
Today I got a form letter back from a position I applied for in Melbourne saying unfortunately at this time blah de blah blah.
I'd understand if I wasn't good at what I do but I happen to be one of the best in the country. There's no real reasons.
Add to this my parents have both been sick and therefor not working, I am missing my boy like CRAZY and I seem to be failing in every area of my life I am so depressed.
I feel all the responsibility for my family has landed squarely on my shoulders and at the moment it has and it is crippling me. My uncle has been a support this month but all that's done is allow me to pay off the over draw on my creidt card.
I am seeing all these people around me have successes in their lives and I can't help a bit of greeneye. Finding love, success at work, getting married, having babies, buying houses and new cars, travelling, pay rises.
I am stuck in such a rutt.
My ankles are killing me (probably to do with the cold) I'm stacking on weight (bigger than I've ever been seen by any of you before) and, and, and......
Jason and I clocked up 6 years together last weekend. I've been in Melbourne for 3.5 years of that. I was only supposed to be here 6 months. This is adding to the tension and the pressure.
Why can't life be easy?
How boring would life be if it's easy. No one's life is picture perfect, those who's appear to be clearly just keep it behind closed doors.
You need to be nicer to yourself Jadey! Keep smiling and be positive!
If you ever want to catch up you have my #! (god knows I could use some company as well LOL!)
Life would be pretty boring if it was easy..... and that feeling of achieving something you didnt think you could ever do would no longer exist, how much would that suck!
I agree with nicky though, just because things look perfect doesnt mean they are! I cant imagine, how hard it is for you being away from your man for such a huge proportion of your relationship. But on the positive, it goes to show what a strong bond you have with each other, not many relationships could stand the distance and the pressure!
Surely there is some law about not being promoted due to your physical appearance? I mean, that has to be illegal doesnt it?
take care Jadey, keep smiling xoxox
It was wonderful to finally meet you Jadey... You are beautiful by the way! If life were easy it would be boring mate! Hang in there, everything happens for a reason, and in it's own time!
I completely understand how you feel. I have been in a rutt of sorts for the past year or so. Work problems, weight problems, money problems, they all seem to feed of one another!
I also feel like everyone is getting better jobs, buying houses, having kids, etc and I'm still in the same old place I was years ago.
Things will turn around. When you start to get things on track you will start feeling more positive and this will really help. I find my state of mind determines most of my life. I have spent the last year depressed and now everything around me has fallen apart.
Chin up. Things will start going your way soon :)
Darling, I absolutely need to point you in the direction of the Secret. Hire it. Buy it, steal it if you have to. Watch it and start turning your life around.
Life is just one consistent line of choices that you can make. From our reactions, to our actions. Sounds tome like it might be time for fresh air. Fresh blood. Fresh job. Fresh change and a move to Sydney.
You aren't responsible nor obliged to stay withFF and grow their business when they have no reqgard for you and the effort you put in.
You aren't responsible for your parents health, if it's at the cost of your own happiness and health too.
You can waste another year, repeating the same actions and expecting diffferent reactions or you can make some drastic changes and watch your life blossom.
Believe you deserve better. I believe you deserve better.
You are young Jadey, don't regret the next few years.
I agree, life wouldn't be nearly as interesting and adventure full if it were easy..
But big cyber hugs to you, all the way from over here...
I'm so glad you did come. It was lovely to see you again. So sorry to hear you're feeling down and in a rut. I know how it feels.
Beck made some excellent points. You don't want to look back in a few years and say, geez, I wish I did... whatever then, I could be there by now.
Good luck with finding your best life and happiness along the way.
K x
Oh dear you really arent a happy one are you!
I am so sorry you feel things are going to shit...
Plz try and talk to someone about all of this.. the work issue sux!
In time things will all fall into place for you Jadey.. You are a beautiful person and good always comes to those who wait..
You have earnt a wonderful life and it will happen with jason.. It must be the total pits not being together all the time!
Take care gorgeous girl.. and hopefully I will see you again soon!
Poor Jadey! :( Don't keep away when you're sad, blog it out girl!
I really think it's time to take action with FF about the lack of promotion. I agree with you - it can't be for any other reason aside from your size, and that's discrimination. Are you a member of a union? Document the times that others are chosen above you, and take action - see a lawyer. I'm serious. I think you should also consider resigning and taking action once you leave - you sound like the disappointments of this experience are sending you toward a nervous breakdown. What about you go see someone (lawyer, shrink) and make a statement about how staying in the job is sending you on this downhill spiral then leave and take legal action. This is an awful experience you are having...I feel terrible for you.
I know you might not want any other advice, but I'm going to offer it anyway - feel free to ignore. You and the man need to make a decision - are you going to be together or not. YOu obviously love one another, so either you move back here or he sells up and moves down there. I don't know you well, but the obligation you both have to your families is ruining your life. Get another job. Leave while you can still smile, then sue the fuckers once you're out the door. YOu don't have to be loyal to a company that's fucking you over...
I'm depressed for you. Please call me if you need an ear to chew on...
Belinda x
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